Townsend publishes book addressing C&D debris

The book provides a comprehensive review of construction and demolition debris and a discussion of issues pertaining to its recycling and disposal.

Timothy Townsend, Ph.D., professor at the University of Florida, alongside Malak Anshassi, Ph.D., his former student and an assistant professor at Florida Polytechnic University, recently published the book Construction and Demolition Debris.

Available through Springer Press, the book includes three chapters targeted toward recycling and other fundamental concepts and photos of construction and demolition (C&D) recycling facilities and equipment.

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“I specifically call out [the] support of the CDRA (Construction & Demolition Recycling Association) in the acknowledgments and I want to echo that here,” Townsend says. “I am greatly appreciative of all … the support from the CDRA and its member[s], and all I have been provided the opportunity to learn.

“My hope is that this book will help further elevate the profession of sound and sustainable construction and demolition debris management that the CDRA has long promoted.”

Townsend has been an environmental engineering professor at the University of Florida since 1995. His research focuses on recycling and reuse, waste treatment, waste management in the developing world and waste characterization. Townsend has both authored and co-authored several dozen journal articles and has presented at national and international conferences. He earned his Ph.D. in environmental engineering sciences from the University of Florida.

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