Redwave eyes textiles sorting market

Austrian technology provider says Redwave TEX is a sensor-based device that can sort clothing and fabric for recycling.

redwave tex textile recycling
Redwave describes its new TEX device as one that offers “a fully automated, sensor-based solution that employs advanced technologies to sort textiles with precision and efficiency.”
Image courtesy of Redwave

Austria-based recycling equipment and technology provider Redwave is offering a sorting device for the textile recycling sector, and the company debuted its Redwave TEX device at IFAT 2024 this month in Munich.

“With the EU's mandate to collect textiles separately starting in 2025, the need for efficient, precise and scalable recycling solutions is evident,” Redwave says.

The company says Redwave TEX offers a fully automated, sensor-based solution that employs advanced technologies to sort textiles with precision and efficiency.

“The interest in textile recycling is enormous, as clearly demonstrated at IFAT in Munich this month,” says Silvia Schweiger-Fuchs, managing director of Redwave. “We are proud to have recognized the need for this material stream early on and to already be providing a solution for the textile industry.”

The company says that “from delicate silk blouses to sturdy jeans,” the TEX has been designed to accurately sort a wide range of textile products based on material composition, color and shape.

According to Redwave, the TEX also can detect foreign objects in the mixed fabric stream.

“Various technologies enable the efficient sorting of either whole garments or shredded textiles, including used clothing, production [scrap], returns, hospital garments and unsold stock,” the company says.

More information about the Redwave TEX can be found here.