Power Knot biodigester installation planned in Singapore

The Fremont, California, company’s LFC biodigesters convert food waste into gray water that is safe to send to wastewater treatment facilities.

Kampong Ampat building exterior
Kampong Ampat, a food development factory in Singapore, is having several Power Knot LFC biodigesters installed.
Photo courtesy of Power Knot

Power Knot LLC, a market leader in onsite organic waste management solutions, has been selected to conduct an installation at Kampong Ampat in Singapore.

This purchase was facilitated through Power Knot’s partner in Singapore, Datumstruct, a provider of workplace solutions, environmental technology and command centers.

Kampong Ampat is a six-story food development factory which houses machinery befitting small and large-scale operations. Prominent operators include TWG Tea Co., Qi Ji and Four Season Catering. Multiple LFC biodigester units were purchased to sustainably remove the food waste.

The LFC biodigester is a machine that digests food waste by converting it into liquid form. These machines usually are installed in commercial kitchens and reduce the expense, inconvenience, mess and carbon footprint of disposing of food waste that otherwise would be hauled to a landfill.

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Power Knot has 10 different size LFC biodigesters that process between 20 pounds per day to 6,600 pounds per day of food waste. With many hundreds of installations globally, the LFC biodigester has proven to be reliable, safe and cost effective.

All LFC biodigesters automatically connect to the LFC Cloud, Power Knot’s continuous data analytics system. The LFC Cloud shows statistics on use, diagnostics and service schedules and can be accessed from any device anywhere in the world without installing an app. The LFC biodigester securely sends data about the operation of the LFC biodigester to the server and that data is retained for five years. All data that is available on the LFC touch screen is sent to the LFC Cloud where a user can easily create reports for stakeholders.

“Food manufacturing generates food scraps and waste that cannot be recycled back into the supply chain,” Power Knot President Iain Milnes says. “Customers at Kampong Ampat can collectively use the LFC biodigester while keeping their individual waste data separate through the use of NFC card readers. Each business is able to track their own food waste and identify root causes to create solutions.”