New York Gov. Hochul signs carpet recycling program legislation

The legislation requires carpet manufacturers to establish programs to collect and recycle discarded and unused carpeting in the state.

Rolls of old carpet

© Ragne Kabanova |

New York Gov. Kathy Hochul has passed legislation that establishes a carpet collection and recycling program for the state. The legislation, S05027-C/A09279A, requires carpet manufacturers to establish a program for the collection and recycling of discarded and unused carpeting.

Starting in January 2026, carpet sales in New York will be prohibited unless the producers are involved in an approved industrywide plan for recycling or have established a program for carpet collection that is approved by the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation.

The legislation sets carpet recycling performance goals that the industry will be required to achieve over time. According to the legislation, it aims to achieve a 30 percent carpet recycling rate in five years with at least 10 percent of the recovered materials being used as recycled content for new carpets. It aims to achieve a 75 percent carpet recycling rate in 15 years with at least 40 percent of recovered materials used as recycled content for new carpets.

In addition, the legislation bans polyfluoroalkyl substances from carpeting sold in New York starting in January 2025.