Integrated Waste Solutions Group announces divestiture of properties to Republic Services

Republic Services has acquired Central Texas Refuse and the 130 Environmental Park Landfill, located in the Austin, Texas, area.

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Austin, Texas-based Integrated Waste Solutions Group (IWSG) has announced its divestiture of Central Texas Refuse LLC and 130 Environmental Park Landfill LLC to Phoenix-based Republic Services Inc.

IWSG, a portfolio company of New York-based Nova Infrastructure, develops and operates integrated solid waste operations in selected geographic regions throughout the United States.

Central Texas Refuse provides waste and recycling collection in the Austin area as well as operating a material recycling facility (MRF). Located near Lockhart, Texas, 130 Environmental Park includes more than 1,200 acres, with the landfill occupying about 500 acres.

Republic Services had ceded its Austin-market services in 2018, divesting remaining assets to Houston-based Waste Management. One of the country’s largest waste services and recycling providers, Republic reported double-digit revenue growth in 2022, largely attributed to acquisitions including Boise, Idaho-based U.S. Ecology.

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Nova Infrastructure is a value-added, middle market infrastructure investment firm targeting investments in environmental services, transportation, energy/energy transition and communication sectors in North America.