Hitachi Zosen Inova prepares for UK installation

Waste-to-energy technology company will provide modular carbon capture plant to work in tandem with an existing WTE facility.

enfinium wte ferrybridge england
The carbon capture unit developed by HZI will be installed at this waste-to-energy plant in England operated by Enfinium.
Photo courtesy of HZI and Enfinium

Switzerland-based Hitachi Zosen Inova (HZI) plans to build and operate the first waste-to-energy (WTE) carbon capture (CC) facility in the United Kingdom for WTE plant operator Enfinium.

Once operational in July, HZI says the scaled-down, containerized and mobile plant will enable Enfinium to capture up to 1 metric ton of CO2 each day from its WTE plant in Ferrybridge, England.

The CC plant will use HZI’s amine-scrubbing technology, which the company says has been designed to seamlessly interface with Enfinium’s onsite WTE operations.

The scaled-down pilot plant has the potential be applied to WTE facilities on a larger, commercial scale, according to HZI. The pilot facility also will trial different amine-based solvents for at least 12 months.

“It gives us tremendous pride to collaborate with Enfinium on this important carbon capture project and together continue to move the dial on decarbonization across the U.K.’s waste management infrastructure,” says Bruno-Frédéric Baudouin, CEO of HZI.

“This initiative is evidence of HZI’s move beyond waste to energy and into so-called ‘waste to X’, where outputs, including energy generation, now extend beyond maximizing heat use and the recovery of more metals into vital CO2 reduction and more."

“Installing carbon capture technology at energy-from-waste facilities is the only way the U.K. can decarbonize its unrecyclable waste," Enfinium CEO Mike Maudsley adds. "It also offers benefits including creating durable carbon removals, or negative emissions, at scale and generating reliable homegrown power. This groundbreaking partnership with HZI will allow us to test multiple capture techniques that could in the future be deployed across our facilities at scale.”

HZI says its CC technology also allows data to be gathered from testing that can be analyzed to demonstrate the future “scalability” of the process.

“Simultaneously, Enfinium will be able to utilize this pilot plant to optimize its long-term onsite operations by customizing the testing and training programs for its employees, while at the same time reducing future financial investment risks to decarbonize its long-term operations,” HZI says.