Waste Today Staff

The staff of Waste Today is dedicated to providing comprehensive coverage of the waste and environmental services industry.

Maine waste facility to open in March

Opening of the Fiberight plant has been delayed nearly a year.

Capital Markets Conference coming to Chicago

This new and unique conference for operators and investors working in the environmental services industry is slated for mid-October in Chicago and will focus on sharing essential business insights and providing unparalleled networking opportunities.

No waste of energy

A Wisconsin transfer station’s use of axle scales improves the trailer loading process.

November/December 2017 REW Conference Supplement

The REW Conference Supplement to Waste Today includes articles on the strategy a New Mexico biogas project is using to secure its funding, how interest in waste conversion is growing along with the desire to divert material from landfills, and why producing high-quality refuse-derived fuel is more critical than ever before.

Franklin County Solid Waste Management Authority proposes to accept outside waste

The New York county says its landfill could last 50 years if it accepts Albany County’s waste.

Tennessee officials open bids for landfill cleanup

Large amounts of aluminum salt cake on-site is causing health hazards, Camden residents say.

Covanta releases sustainability report

The company has diverted more than 900,000 tons of waste this year.

New York updates sanitation employee accidental death benefits

Families of sanitation workers who die from a work-related injury will receive the same benefits as families of police, fire and correction workers.

Hurricane Irma debris cleanup nears completion

South Florida removal crews are finishing debris collection stemming from the Sept.10 storm.

Biomass heat plant replacement underway at Dalhousie University

The university’s plant will rely on 20,000 metric tons of biomass annually from local sources for its energy needs.