
Recent news and developments from the waste and environmental services industry.

Covanta renews contract in southeast Connecticut

Covanta, Morristown, New Jersey, has announced a new agreement with the Southeastern Connecticut Regional Resource Recovery Authority (SCRRRA), Gales Ferry, Connecticut, for waste disposal at the Southeastern Connecticut Resource Recovery Facility (SECONN), Preston, Connecticut. The new four-year agreement will extend the partnership between Covanta and SCRRRA until December 2020.

SCRRRA was created to implement solutions for solid waste, recyclables, household hazardous waste and additional waste materials for 12 municipalities in southeastern Connecticut.

The Covanta SECONN energy-from-waste facility processes 689 tons of postrecycled municipal solid waste daily into 18 megawatts of renewable energy. The facility also recycles more than 9,000 tons of metal annually.

During its 26 years of operation, the facility has:

  • saved more than 50 acres of land from landfilling;
  • reduced net greenhouse gas emissions by more than 5 million tons;
  • recovered 88,000 tons of metals for recycling; and
  • generated 3.8 million megawatt hours of electricity.

“The 12 communities that SCRRRA and SECONN serve have developed a first-rate reliable and environmentally sound waste management system,” says Thomas Lyons, vice president and general manager of Covanta’s New England region. “Covanta is proud of our role in contributing to the success of this system and providing a local source of clean, renewable energy. We are pleased to continue to serve the communities of southeastern Connecticut with the reliable service they have come to expect over the past 26 years,” he adds.

March 2017
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