How Rehrig Pacific has helped haulers and communities save millions of dollars through improved efficiencies


Rehrig Pacific helps haulers and communities be more efficient and sustainable through our products and services. As an end-to-end solutions provider, we address many of the challenges facing this market.

      1.) We ensure residential roll-out carts are sustainably made using high-quality recycled plastics, including bulky rigid material or ocean-bound plastics. We then fit these carts with RFID technology to not only ensure they can be found and brought back at the end of life, but that we can also assist our hauler and communities improve routes, delivery times, and special services, such as bulk pick-ups.
      2.) Our Vision™ Technology is designed specifically for the environmental industry with input from haulers and municipalities across the U.S. and Canada. Able to scale to fit the needs of any size or location, Vision™ provides the key data needed to run an efficient operation, providing insights for work order and service verification. It can also help manage relationships with residents using custom-made service request websites and mobile telecommunications to alert them to service updates. The ability to easily access reliable data helps haulers and municipalities improve efficiencies and reporting metrics. Communities that have utilized this technology saved millions of dollars from these improvements.
      3.) The final piece of helping to drive efficiencies and improved sustainability is by providing best-in-class field service support. Our teams are highly experienced in assembly and distribution, as well as, container management. In a tough labor market, they take on the work so the haulers and the community can focus on the work they do. Our teams are located across the U.S. and Canada, providing support such as; yard clean up, cart maintenance removals, and retrofits. They also provide a strong sustainability benefit by fixing and reusing carts before bringing them back to be re-made into new products through our buy-back program.

A municipal customer recently stated by using Rehrig Pacific’s smart carts, Vision technology, and services they have reduced the time to process an order from 11 weeks to 72 hours and improved lost cart recovery rates to 95%. By integrating these elements, their business has become easier and more trackable.

At Rehrig Pacific, we see the whole picture and strive to find ways to improve the waste and recycling business all along the way. When looking for solutions in the industry, consider the efficiencies gained by partnering with a company that can be your sole provider. Separately, these solutions are meaningful, but in this case, the whole is truly greater than the sum of its parts.

April 2022
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