June 12-15
25th European Biomass Conference and Exhibition, Stockholm, ETA-Florence Renewable Energies, www.eubce.com/home.html
June 13-15
3-Day Digester Operating Course, Oshkosh, Wisconsin, American Biogas Council and the University of Wisconsin, www.americanbiogascouncil.org/operatortraining.asp
June 19-21
33rd Annual International Fuel Ethanol Workshop and Expo, Minneapolis, BBI International, www.fuelethanolworkshop.com
June 19-22
BIO International Convention, San Diego, Biotechnology Innovation Organization, www.convention.bio.org
June 27-29
Recycling Metals from Industrial Waste, Golden, Colorado, Colorado School of Mines, http://bit.ly/2rwlnMq
June 29-30
The Renewable Energy Management & Finance Course, London, American-European Partnership for Renewable Energy Education, http://bit.ly/2pYLZVb
July 5-6
U.K. AD & Biogas and World Biogas Expo 2017, Birmingham, U.K., The Anaerobic Digestion & Bioresources Association, www.adbioresources.org/biogastradeshow
July 11-13
2017 July Landfill Operator Certification Program, Houston, National Waste & Recycling Association, http://bit.ly/2pIBKqF
July 26-28
27th Annual Recycling & Organics Conference, King of Prussia, Pennsylvania, Professional Recyclers of Pennsylvania, http://bit.ly/2rwX93A
July 23-25
SWANA Florida Chapter Summer Conference, Fort Myers, Florida, Solid Waste Association of North America Florida Chapter, www.swanafl.org/event-2190976
Aug. 20-23
CRRA Annual Conference, San Diego, California Resource Recovery Association, http://crra.com/conference
Aug. 21-23
Waste Conversion Technology Conference, San Diego, Southern Waste Information eXchange Inc., www.wasteconversionconference.com
Aug. 28-30
Resource Recycling Conference 2017, Minneapolis, Resource Recycling and National Recycling Coalition, www.rrconference.com
Sept. 18-20
27th ARC Conference & Trade Show, Eureka Springs, Arkansas, Arkansas Recycling Coalition, http://bit.ly/2pQfIDK
Sept. 25-27
Wastecon/ISWA World Congress, Baltimore, Solid Waste Association of North America and International Solid Waste Association, www.wastecon.org and www.iswa2017.org
Oct. 2-4
Renewable Energy from Waste Conference, Fort Myers, Florida, Waste Today magazine and Gershman, Brickner & Bratton, www.rewconference.com
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