Alliance to End Plastic Waste partners on Indonesian project

AEPW will collaborate with Project STOP for three years to develop more sustainable circular waste management systems in Indonesia.

The Alliance to End Plastic Waste (AEPW), Washington, has entered into a partnership with Project STOP to further scale up the development of more sustainable and circular waste management systems in Indonesia. Through Project STOP, AEPW aims to dramatically improve waste collection, bring collection services for the first time to households, create permanent local jobs in the waste management industry and clean up areas littered with plastic pollution, AEPW reports in a news release.

AEPW’s three-year collaboration with Project STOP will focus on the regency of Jembrana, located on the northwest coast of Bali. AEPW will support a feasibility study to achieve a future free of unmanaged plastic waste throughout the island and to assess how to extend the approach as well as provide financial support and technical expertise, AEPW reports.

Launched in 2017, Project STOP is an initiative co-founded by Austria-based Borealis and London-based Systemiq Ltd. that designs, implements and scales circular economy solutions to prevent plastic pollution in Southeast Asia. Project STOP’s long-term ambition is to establish new solutions and models that can be rapidly scaled up across the whole plastics chain, from the uses of plastic through to waste collection and recycling. 

“The Alliance is focusing on areas where the need to improve the management of plastic waste is urgent and where our member companies across the plastic value chain can offer technical and business expertise,” says David Taylor, chairman of the board for AEPW and president and CEO of Procter & Gamble. “Project STOP therefore fits perfectly into the Alliance’s strategy that focuses on the four pillars infrastructure, innovation, education and clean up. In Jembrana, we have an opportunity to work with the local community to build new waste and recycling infrastructure to prevent plastic from leaking into the environment.”

The Alliance-funded city partnership in Jembrana is Project STOP’s first city partnership on the island of Bali, AEPW reports in a news release. The project is designed to be economically self-sufficient within three years, so the system can be operated by the local municipality and community, both of which will be closely consulted and involved throughout the project.

The AEPW partnership with Project STOP will include the following activities:

  • conduct diagnostic studies to understand how and why plastic waste enters the environment and designing a new, tailored system to combat it;
  • build and supply equipment to scale up waste collection and sorting efforts;
  • hire local workers at living wages and responsible working conditions to manage and staff the new waste management system;
  • partner with local organizations to encourage behavior change at the community level through awareness and educational programs, so more people fully utilize the systems being created to dispose of waste; and
  • clean up beaches and rivers in consultation with the local government.

Through its participation in Project STOP over the next three years, AEPW reports that it aims to make a positive contribution to improving waste management in Jembrana and enhancing the livelihoods and development of the community.