Waste collection software, such as route software and customer mobile apps can do astonishing things for municipal solid waste services. Here are just five ways:
1. Optimize routes
Route optimization software, such as EasyRoute from Routeware is like having a bird’s-eye view of every truck and every route, along with the data needed to make adjustments and optimize the efficiency of each truck’s route.
Designing collection routes, adding new routes, and changing routes can be complicated, but we’re in the 21st century so why not let technology figure it out for you?
2. Make customer interaction easy
Mobile apps streamline the relationship between you and your customers. Collection updates, changes, schedules, really anything a customer needs can be communicated instantly to their devices (and we all have devices now, don’t we?).
Notifications can pop up on their phone as a text message to remind them of collection day, and they can check their own personalized calendar rather than trying to find their day on a big static calendar for everyone.
3. Educate customers
Apps like WasteWizard are pretty genius. If the customer has it on their phone, they can find out answers to tricky recycling questions quickly and customized to their collection company and area.
I actually personally use WasteWizard sometimes and I admit it’s pretty cool. Rather than have customers guess or wishcycle, they can get jump on the app and get a quick answer about what to do with that Styrofoam or bottle cap or whatever it is.
4. Eliminate paperwork
Nobody likes paperwork. Route software can eliminate paperwork in the cab of the truck and back at the office. Your driver can use an in-cab mounted screen to follow their route rather than carry paper around with them.
And back at the office, all the data and information you need can be stored in the cloud on your computer rather than filling up filing cabinets. Save a tree, avoid papercuts, and replace that filing cabinet with a palm tree or Ionic column.
5. Utilize vast amounts of data
It’s now possible to know an astounding number of things about your waste collection. Software that tracks truck location and routes, photographs housefronts and curbsides, records educational searches in a customer app, tracks finances, etc. can be harnessed to do extraordinary things.
For example, in Durham, North Carolina, they noticed that beer bottle caps and pizza boxes were very highly searched terms in their area. With that knowledge, they’re able to create education campaigns based on the highest-frequency searches to target the most pressing consumer needs.
These are just some of the ways that using software is like having a magic wand to solve problems, save money, and make customers happy.
Photo 7063605 © Typhoonski | Dreamstime.com
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