5 questions about the journey to circular waste management

1. What should you consider if you’re looking to improve your sustainable management processes?

Geoff Aardsma
AMCS Group
VP Solutions,
North America

Consider using digital platforms and enterprise management software to track, monitor, and optimize environmental resource use, carbon emissions, human resources, and the health and safety of employees. Sustainable management is a strategic driver for the growth and profitability of your business. Strategies that involve resource optimization to efficiently use resources, minimize waste, and reduce environmental impact as well as mitigating risk associated with regulations, supply chain disruptions, and reputational damage are key. Sustainable management also includes product innovation, stakeholder engagement, and establishing long-term goals over short-term gains to create lasting value.

2. Is it possible to digitize and automate circular economy strategies?

New technologies including IoT (Internet of Things), big data analytics, artificial intelligence, and cloud-based tools can support the digitization and automation of circular economy strategies for your business. Implementing new technology solutions provide the following business efficiencies:

  • Improved operational efficiency: track, monitor, and optimize environmental resource use, carbon emissions, and operational performance.
  • Implementing automation and robotics within recycling sorting processes.
  • Developing analytics that can enhance waste collection, sorting, and recycling processes.
  • Sustainability reporting: enables transparent reporting of sustainability data, improving communication with stakeholders and regulatory compliance.
  • Cost savings that reduce operational costs and improve efficiency.

  • 3. What are some of the policy drivers shaping the industry and compelling businesses to adapt to new regulations?

    These policy drivers collectively shape the operating environment for waste and recycling companies and dictate the need for innovation, adaptability, and effective regulatory compliance strategies. Some drivers that should be on your radar include environmental regulations, zero waste policies, e-waste regulations, corporate sustainability goals, and extended producer responsibility (EPR).

    4. How can you leverage risks as catalysts for innovation and strategic growth?

    Consider leveraging environmental risks, such as climate change and pollution, as catalysts for innovation in your business. This type of forward-thinking can help drive the adoption of circular economy practices and improve materials efficiency. By making strategic innovations in these areas, waste and recycling companies can not only mitigate environmental risks but also discover profitable avenues for growth. Some areas to consider include the development of eco-friendly technologies, scaling up recycling activities, investing in waste-to-energy technologies, implementing e-waste recycling practices, advanced waste sorting, biodegradable materials processing, and/or offering consulting services to businesses seeking to minimize their environmental footprint as a new business revenue stream.

    5. What should you look for in a strategic technology partner?

    You will want to look for technology partners that have a deep understanding of waste and recycling management software. Your partner should offer comprehensive software solutions such as enterprise management systems, transport suites, and sustainability suites. These should support end-to-end data integration and operational optimization that are essential to any business.

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